How To Make A Small Kitchen Space More Functional

 In Kitchen Design in Guelph

Small Kitchen Design and Kitchen Remodel in Guelph

Designing a kitchen can be difficult but working with a small space can seem like even more of a daunting task. When you are looking to renovate a small kitchen your first priority should always be functionality.

Focusing on the functionality of your kitchen will allow you to create a space that suits your lifestyle while meeting your design expectations.

Here are some ways you can ensure that your small kitchen is functional:

  • Good storage space – Smart storage solutions allow you to store small appliances away from the counter while making sure they are still easily accessible.
  • The right amount of counter space – Ensuring that you have as much counter space as possible will add to the functionality of the space, allowing you more space to meal preparation and entertaining wherever possible.
  • The right sized appliances – Having large appliances in a small space just doesn’t make sense. Luckily there are many companies that make appliances that are suited for smaller kitchen spaces and are designed to function as well as regular sized appliances.
  • Limit the clutter – Small kitchens run the risk of feeling claustrophobic so it is important to limit the amount of clutter that is visible on counters and window pane cabinets. Having good storage space will allow you to stash appliances away wherever possible, freeing up counter space and minimizing the clutter.

The most important factor in making your small kitchen more functional is maximizing storage space and finding potential space in hidden areas. Our experienced team at Sutcliffe Kitchens can help you optimize your small kitchen space to increase its functionality while creating a design that suits your unique style. Contact us to learn more about how to make a small kitchen space more functional or to book an appointment to view our showroom!

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